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Home > Billing Information > Online Products > Change Subscription Plan for Rightworks Transaction Pro Online
Change Subscription Plan for Rightworks Transaction Pro Online
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How can a Rightworks Transaction Pro subscription for QuickBooks Online be changed to a different plan?




To change a Transaction Pro subscription to a different plan, the user will need to have Billing Admin Access. 


Before changing the subscription, it is best to edit the subscription name to be unique to ensure that the correct subscription is being updated. Only the Owner role can edit the subscription name.


To edit a subscription name, click on the pencil button next to the current name.



A box will appear to allow you to update the name. When updated, click the Green Checkmark to save your changes. Click the Red X to discard your changes.



Once the subscription name has been edited to a unique name, click MANAGE for the subscription that needs to be updated. Then click MODIFY SUBSCRIPTION.




Select UPGRADE under the name of the plan that you wish to change your subscription to.



In the next window, it will show the subscription that you are going to use going forward. You can click APPLY COUPON if you have a coupon code or click PROCEED TO CHECKOUT.





The next screen will give you an overview of the new subscription including the price and the billing information that will be used. Click the green button at the bottom to process the Subscription Change.



Once the update as processed, it will return to the subscription listing page.


All changes are effective immediately.  To see the change in subscription, it may require the browser to be refreshed.

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