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Home > How to Export Using Transaction Pro Exporter > Desktop Exporter > Filter Options for Rightworks Transaction Pro Exporter
Filter Options for Rightworks Transaction Pro Exporter
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What options exist for filtering or altering exported data from QuickBooks Desktop using Rightworks Transaction Pro Exporter?



Transaction Pro Exporter has several filtering options available to be selected during the export process.




  1. Data can be selected by a NAME or REF NO (reference number) range, depending on the export type.
    • For a full export of all list items, leave the FROM field blank and enter ZZZZ for the TO value.
  2. Data can be selected by a DATE range, either by the actual Transaction Date or by the date that the transaction was last modified by selected the option USE DATE MODIFIED.
  3. Data can be selected SINCE LAST EXPORT, which will export all data that has been entered since the last export date and time displayed.
  4. Bills, Vendor Credits, Invoices, and Credit Memos can be exported by the PAID STATUS of ALL, PAID, or UNPAID.
  5. Transactions with detail lines such as Invoices, Bills, Checks, etc can have the detail lines included in the export or suppressed by selecting the option SUPPRESS TRANSACTION LINES.


NOTE: Only one type of filter for options 1-3 can be used at one time for an export.





  1. Data can be exported based on ACCRUAL or CASH basis.
  2. When exporting Sales transactions, the Customer Account Number can be included as part of the export.
  3. If a header row (column headers) is not needed, the option SUPPRESS HEADER ROW can be selected.
  4. If date and/or currency fields are not exporting correctly, the format can be set using the option FORMAT DATE/CURRENCY.




Other Filter Tabs


Depending on the List or Transaction type being exported, the data can be further filtered by using the NAMES, ACCOUNTS, CLASSES, or ITEMS FILTER tabs.



Additional Options


Additionally, when exporting using Transaction Pro Exporter, the following options can be used to assist in the Export process.


  1. Export Type (.txt, .csv or Excel)
  2. Fields to Export
  3. Order of Fields
  4. Field (Column) Labels
  5. Default Values
  6. User-defined Fields (Command Line - read more HERE)


NOTE: Options 2-6 are found by clicking the SELECT FIELDS button. This button is not active to be selected until after the RETRIEVE DATA button has been clicked and the export data queried. Once options 2-6 have been set, the Export Map can be saved for future use by clicking the SAVE AS button at the bottom of the SELECT FIELDS window.




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