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FAQ for Rightworks Customers
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How can I get Rightworks Transaction Pro products for my hosted environment?


Licenses for Transaction Pro that are purchased through Rightworks function as leased licenses. You will be charged for use of these subscriptions on a monthly basis. If you have further questions, please contact Rightworks Sales Support at 888-245-0295. The Sales Support department is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST.


Who should I contact for support - Rightworks or Transaction Pro?


If your issue is with your Transaction Pro product not launching properly, please contact Rightworks Support by using the Chat Now button on their helpdesk or calling 888-417-4448 option 2.


However, if your issue or question is about the functionality of your Transaction Pro product, please contact Transaction Pro Support by emailing [email protected] or by using the chat option on our website.


Your Rightworks subscription to Transaction Pro products includes unlimited free email and chat support with Transaction Pro Support.

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