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Use Deleter to Reduce QuickBooks Company File Size
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How can Rightworks Transaction Pro Deleter be used to reduce a QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) company file size?




Deleter can be used to remove unneeded transactions, but it can also be used to reduce ever growing QB data file sizes.


After deleting the transactions, these additional steps need to be performed in order to reduce the file size:


  1. Run the VERIFY DATA utility in QBDT. This utility can be found under File>Utilities. 
  2. Run the REBUILD DATA utility in QBDT. This utility can be found under File>Utilities.
  3. Create a portable company file. Make sure that is a portable copy of the file and not a backup.
  4. Restore this portable company file. The portable company file will restore to a normal QBDT file, and the file size will have been reduced.


If the above still does not reduce your company file size, using the QBDT CONDENSE DATA utility may be considered. Please reference this Intuit Article about this utility.

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