Oct 18, 2023
TPro Field Name | QuickBooks Online Field Name | Required | Character Type | Character Limit | Notes |
RefNumber | Y | Alpha-numeric | 100 | Reference Number is how TPro and QuickBooks Online know which detail rows belong on the same transaction. Import must be sorted by this column prior to import. | |
TxnDate | Date | N | Date | N/A | If no date is imported, transaction will be dated the day of the import. |
PrivateNote | Memo | N | Alpha-numeric | 4000 | |
Currency | Currency | N | Alpha | 3 | Only available if multi-currency activated in QuickBooks Online. Must match currencies pre-defined in QuickBooks Online. |
ExchangeRate | N | Numeric | For all currencies except for BITCOIN, the saved Exchange Rate for that currency in QuickBooks Online must be used. | ||
DepositToAccount | Account | Y | Alpha-numeric | 100 | Import either the full Account Name or the Account Number of the Bank Account into which payment was deposited. See this article for more info. |
Location | N | Alpha-numeric | 100 | May be set as Business, Department, Division, Location, Property, Store, or Territory in QuickBooks Online Settings. However, the field will also be named Location in TPro mapping. If importing a sub-Location, see this article for more info. | |
Entity | Received From | N | Alpha-numeric | 100 | Customer, Vendor, or Employee Name from which the payment was received. If importing a sub-Customer or sub-Vendor, see this article for more info. |
LineDesc | Description | N | Alpha-numeric | 4000 | |
LineAmount | Amount | N | Numeric | 11 | Maximum value 99,999,999,999. |
Account | Account | N | Alpha-numeric | General Ledger Account to which the payment is to post. Import either the full Account Name or the Account Number. See this article for more info. | |
PaymentMethod | Payment Method | N | Alpha-numeric | 31 | |
PaymentRefNumber | Ref No. | N | Alpha-numeric | 31 | |
Class | Class | N | Alpha-numeric | 100 | If importing sub-Class, see this article for more info. |
LinkedTxnType | Type | N | List | N/A | For deposits from Undeposited Funds only. Valid types are SalesReceipt (if funds are from a Sales Receipt transaction) or Payment (if funds are from a Receive Payment transaction). |
LinkedTxnNumber | Ref No. | N | Alpha-numeric | 21 | For deposits from Undeposited Funds only. Is the Sales Receipt Number (if funds are from a Sales Receipt transaction) or Payment Reference Number (if funds are from a Receive Payment transaction). |
CashBackAccount | Cash back goes to | N | Alpha-numeric | 100 | General Ledger Account to which to record cash back from the deposit. Import either the full Account Name or the Account Number. See this article for more info. |
CashBackAmount | Cash back amount | N | Numeric | 11 | Maximum value 99,999,999,999. |
CashBackMemo | Cash back memo | N | Alpha-numeric | 1000 |