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Home > Advanced Options > Desktop Importer > Automate SQL Server Imports into QuickBooks using Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer
Automate SQL Server Imports into QuickBooks using Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer
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Can SQL Server imports into QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) using Transaction Pro Importer be automated?




Yes, SQL Server Imports into QB may be automated using Importer.


Below are some tips on how to automate the import process once several successful manual imports are made.


The command line parameters that are used in the example below may be found in this KNOWLEDGE BASE ARTICLE about command lines for Importer.


If the command lines provided on the example below are being used, the only thing that the user needs to do is launch Importer, and the wizard will run on its own from there. A batch file can also be created, and the process scheduled via Windows Scheduler. 


NOTE: Transaction Pro does not support the automation feature or assist with writing batch files. If assistance is needed, several helpful articles on writing batch files exist on the internet as well as helpful videos explaining the process on YouTube.


Below is an example command line that can be used to automate an import.


For the purpose of this example, the following information is being assumed:


  1. The correct QBDT company file is already open
  2. File source is DSN
  3. Query/View is named Query1
  4. Import type is invoice
  5. Map file is located at c:\invoice map.dat.


Version 7: Use the following command lines (assuming Importer is installed at the location below):


C:\Program Files\ 01 Transaction Pro Importer 7.0\Transaction Pro Importer 7.0 .exe /AUTORUN /FILE_SOURCE=DSN /TEXT_FILE=CopyAndPasteFromTPIConnectionTextBoxToTheLeftOfConnectButton /XL_SHEET=Query1 /TXN_TYPE=Invoice /MAP_FILE=c:\Invoice Map.dat


Version 8: Use the following command lines (assuming Importer is installed at the location below):

C:\Program Files (x86)\Transaction Pro\Transaction Pro Importer 8.0.exe /ACTIVATED /AUTORUN /FILE_SOURCE=DSN /TEXT_FILE=CopyAndPasteFromTPIConnectionTextBoxToTheLeftOfConnectButton /XL_SHEET=Query1 /TXN_TYPE=Invoice /MAP_FILE=c:\Invoice Map.dat


If preferred to have Importer run in the system tray, add the command line /HIDE after the /AUTORUN parameter.


Make sure to have a working import before attempting to set /AUTORUN. Also, make sure that there is always a space before each forward slash (/).

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