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Showing articles from SQL tag

Use a SQL Data Source with Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer

**QUESTION** Can a SQL data source be used with Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer? **RESOLUTION** To connect to a SQL data source, follow the steps below: 1. In Importer, choose DSN for the file source and then click CONNECT 2. Select the MACHINE DATA SOURCE tab 3. Click NEW 4. An error message will a…

Automate SQL Server Imports into QuickBooks using Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer

**QUESTION** Can SQL Server imports into QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) using Transaction Pro Importer be automated? **RESOLUTION** Yes, SQL Server Imports into QB may be automated using Importer. Below are some tips on how to automate the import process once several successful manual imports are made. The command lin…

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