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Home > Tips and Tricks > New Year Prep > Clean Up QuickBooks Company File for New Year using Rightworks Transaction Pro Products
Clean Up QuickBooks Company File for New Year using Rightworks Transaction Pro Products
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How can Rightworks Transaction Pro be used to clean up a QuickBooks company file for the New Year?




Below are some examples on how to utilize Transaction Pro Importer, Transaction Pro Exporter, and Transaction Pro Deleter to start off the new year with a cleaner QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) company file.


Performance Issues or Exceeding Maximum List Items


Deleter can be used to permanently remove prior years' data. This accomplishes two things: (1) to reduce the company file size and (2) to remove list items that associated with prior year's transactions that are no longer needed. As this product performs the same task as manually deleting a transaction in QBDT, it is necessary to enter a beginning balance Journal Entry and/or Inventory Adjustments to account for any deleted transactions.


Starting a New QuickBooks Company File with Open Transactions


Often times, companies decide to create a brand new QBDT company file at the first of the year and only bring over the open transactions into the new company file. Exporter can be used to export open transactions, and then Importer used to import into the new company file.


When exporting Invoices or Bills, be sure to select PAID STATUS to be UNPAID so that only those Invoices or Bills that are open will be in the export file.


When exporting Purchase Orders or Sales Orders, currently there is not a way to export only the open transactions. Once you export, add an additional column to the exported file to compare the original amounts to the amounts remaining.


For Purchase Orders, the two columns to be compared are TxnLine Quantity and TxnLine Received Quantity. Another option is to sort the column Is Fully Received for FALSE lines (which means not fully received). For Sales Orders, the two columns to be compared are TxnLine Quantity and TxnLine Qty Invoiced. 


Adding Classes to Historical Transactions


Often times, a company's Chart of Accounts (COA) will become lengthy as some companies did not realize that they could use Classes on their transactions to run an Income Statement by Class. Exporter may be used to export transactions to an Excel file. A column can then be added for Class, and the appropriate Class assigned to each line. Use Importer to import these revised transactions into a new QBDT company file.

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