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Home > How to Use Transaction Pro > Resolutions for Transaction Pro Importer Issues - NEW > Desktop Importer - NEW > QuickBooks found an error when parsing the provided XML text stream
QuickBooks found an error when parsing the provided XML text stream
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QuickBooks found an error when parsing the provided XML text stream




If you are receiving this error AFTER mapping your data and clicking import, it is usually caused by one of the three items below. Please review the import file for these items.


  1. Import data includes special characters that are not allowed by QuickBooks. Refer to this Intuit Article for more information about acceptable characters.
  2. One of the import fields has data that exceeds the allowed character length by QuickBooks. Refer to this Intuit Article for more info about character limits.
  3. A required field by QB does not have a value. Any field on the mapping screen of Rightworks Transaction Pro must have a value imported, whether from the import file or as a Static Value/Formula.
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