Oct 18, 2023
TPro Field Name | QuickBooks Online Field Name | Required | Character Type | Character Limit | Notes |
Name | Name | Y | Alpha-numeric | 100 | To import Product & Service item into a Category, import Category:Name for the Name field. |
Type | Type | N | List | N/A | Acceptable values are Inventory, NonInventory, or Service. |
UnitPrice | Sales price/rate | N | Numeric | 15 | Maximum value 99,999,999,999. Only available when type is INVENTORY. |
SKU | SKU | N | Alpha-numeric | 100 | Can be used as a cross-reference when importing Credit Memos, Estimates, Invoices, Refund Receipts, and Sales Receipts. |
QtyOnHand | Initial quantity on hand | N | Numeric | 15 | Maximum value 99,999,999,999. Only available when type is INVENTORY. |
InvStartDate | As of date | N | Date | N/A | Only available when type is INVENTORY. |
InvAssetAccount | Inventory asset account | N | Alpha-numeric | 100 | Only required if Type is INVENTORY. Account must exist in QuickBooks Online prior to importing, and it must be Detail Type INVENTORY. |
SalesDescription | Description | N | Alpha-numeric | 1000 | |
Taxable | Sales tax category | N | Y or N | N/A | To mark Product & Service as TAXABLE, import 1, t, true, y, or yes. To mark as NONTAXABLE, import 0, f, false, n, or no. Defaults to NONTAXABLE. |
PurchaseDescription | Purchasing information | N | Alpha-numeric | 1000 | |
PurchaseCost | Cost | N | Numeric | 11 | Maximum value 99,999,999,999. Only available when type is INVENTORY. |
IncomeAccount | Income account | N | Alpha-numeric | 100 | Account must exist in QuickBooks Online prior to importing. If Type is INVENTORY, account must be Detail Type SALES OF PRODUCT INCOME. |
ExpenseAccount | Expense account | N | Alpha-numeric | 100 | Account must exist in QuickBooks Online prior to importing. If Type is INVENTORY, account must be Detail Type SUPPLIES & MATERIALS - COGS. |
ReorderPoint | Reorder point | N | Numeric | 11 | Maximum value 99,999,999,999. Only available when type is INVENTORY. |
Class | Class | N | Alpha-numeric | 100 | If does not exist, import will set up a new Class during import. |
PrefVendor | Preferred Vendor | N | Alpha-numeric | 100 | If does not exist, import will set up a new Vendor during import. |
NOTE: If type is NONINVENTORY or SERVICE and any value is imported for Purchase Description and/or Purchase Cost, it will check the box in QuickBooks Online for I PURCHASE THIS PRODUCT/SERVICE FROM A VENDOR. Also, all sub-accounts should be listed in the following format: ParentAccount:ChildAccount (with no spaces before or after the colon). |