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Home > Resolutions for Transaction Pro Importer Issues > Online Importer > Business Validation Error: There is no Account Associated with the Item
Business Validation Error: There is no Account Associated with the Item
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Business Validation Error:  There is no account associated with the item. Is it marked for purchase and has an account associated with it?




If the above message is received when importing using Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer for QuickBooks Online and the Item type is either Non-Inventory or Service, make sure that the Item exists in QuickBooks Online's Products and Services list. If using Sub-Items, be sure that the import file includes both the Item and the Sub-Item separated by a colon with no space before or after the colon.


If the Item does exist in the QuickBooks Online company file, then select to edit the Item in QuickBooks Online and verify that the box next to I PURCHASE THIS PRODUCT/SERVICE FROM A VENDOR has been selected and that an Expense Account has been entered for the Item.


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