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Rightworks Transaction Pro Desktop Will Not Open
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Recent Windows updates may keep your Rightworks Transaction Pro application from launching. Please follow the steps below for either desktop or server to resolve:

  1. Verify that all Windows Updates have been completely installed
  2. Reboot the machine. This is a necessary step, whether for a desktop, laptop, or server.
  3. If TPro still will not launch, please try installing the Microsoft Access Database Engine from THESE INSTRUCTIONS.


Even if the Microsoft Access Database Engine is already installed, it will need to be repaired due to the Windows Update.

With the Microsoft Access Database Engine, make sure that you are installing the 2010 32-bit version, no matter what version of Excel that you are using. If you have the 64-bit version of Excel, then you will need to add /quiet or /passive (depending on what version of Windows that you have) to the shortcut prior to running the Microsoft Access Database Engine. This is explained in the section for 64-bit version of Office in this article: Microsoft Access Database Engine is Required


If Transaction Pro still will not open, please continue with the steps below.


After attempting to open TPro and it crashes, please open the Event Viewer. Go to WINDOWS LOGS > APPLICATION. See if there is an recent error. If so, click on it and see if it mentions either the KERNELBASE.DLL file or ACEDAO.dll file as the error.

If so, see the appropriate article below as to how to repair the error:

After trying all the steps above, if you are still having issues launching your Transaction Pro application, please email TPro Support at [email protected].

Please subscribe to our Status Page to receive up-to-date information about this and any future issues.

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