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Showing articles from Excel tag

Useful Excel Formulas and Tips to Use with Imports and Exports

Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer and Transaction Pro Exporter both support the use of Excel files. Below are some tips and common features that can be used with Excel import or export files: 1. **Drop Down Lists: **This can be helpful when having users do data entry and want to be sure that a valid customer, it…

Incorrect Date Issue for Mac Users

**ISSUE** When importing with Transaction Pro Importer on a Mac computer, the dates import incorrectly. **RESOLUTION** Check to make sure that the 1904 date format is not turned on in Excel. If it is, it will cause dates to shift by 1462 days. The Excel setting is in different places depending on the Office versio…

Import Multi-Lined Descriptions

**QUESTION** How should an Excel file be formatted so that there will be multiple lines in the description instead of the description wrapping when imported into QuickBooks Online? **RESOLUTION** In the Excel file, enter the full description in the cell. Then, place the cursor right before the first character that …

Microsoft Access Database Engine is Required

**MESSSAGE** Microsoft Access Database is Required **RESOLUTION** The Microsoft Access Database 2010 must be installed in order to allow Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer to read Excel and Access files. Please follow the steps below to download and install the necessary file. * Download the Microsoft Database …

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