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Showing articles from Import tag

Certify Bill Report Import into QuickBooks Online

**The following are instructions for importing the [Certify][1] Bill Report into QuickBooks Online using Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer.** After downloading a Bill Report from [Certify][1], log into Transaction Pro and select to IMPORT. ![][2] **CHOOSE IMPORT TYPE:** Select BILLS as your import type by clickin…

Overpayments on Invoices in QuickBooks Desktop

**QUESTION** Is there a way to set Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer Importer to not process payments if it will result in an overpayment? **RESOLUTION** No, QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) will make any overpayment a credit on the Customer's account. ![][1] **POSSIBLE WORKAROUND** Use Transaction Pro Exporter to ex…

There Were Problems Communicating with the Intuit API

**MESSAGE** There were problems communicating with the Intuit API. Please try importing your transactions later. **RESOLUTION** If the above message is received when using Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer, Transaction Pro Exporter, or Transaction Pro Deleter for QuickBooks Online, please follow the steps below: …

Import Amazon Sales into QuickBooks

**ISSUE** The ability to import discounts and shipping for Sales Receipts and Invoices from Amazon sales is needed. **RESOLUTION** In Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer under OPTIONS on the E-COMMERCE tab, select the the e-Commerce option, which will add these additional fields to the mapping screen. **ISSUE** A…

Working in QuickBooks Desktop While Importing

**QUESTION** Can users continue to work in QuickBooks Desktop while importing with Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer? **RESOLUTION** Because Importer uses the QB Software Development Kit (SDK), multiple users can be working in QB while importing. Also, QB does not need to be in single- user mode when processing i…

Import Microsoft Access Data Files into QuickBooks using Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer

**QUESTION** Can Microsoft Access files be imported into QuickBooks Desktop using Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer? **RESOLUTION** Yes, Transaction Pro Importer can import a Microsoft Access database that has the extension .mdb

Use the Default Value Column in Rightworks Transaction Pro Online

**QUESTION** How is the Default Value column used on the mapping screen of Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer for QuickBooks Online? **RESOLUTION** The Default Value column within Importer can save time from manually manipulating the import file prior to importing into QuickBooks Online. Below are some examples of…

QuickBooks Non US Versions - Tax Implications

**NOTE: THIS POST ONLY IMPACTS QUICKBOOKS USERS FROM CANADA, UNITED KINGDOM, AND AUSTRALIA. USA USERS CAN IGNORE THIS POSTING.** **ISSUE** As of 2008, Intuit dropped support for setting Tax1Total and Tax2Total via the QBSDK. Users that have been using these fields to set GST/PST (Canada) or VAT (UK) will not longer …

Import Journal Entries from Payroll Providers with Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer for QuickBooks Online

**QUESTION** How can an IIF file from a Payroll Provider be imported into QuickBooks Online with Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer? **RESOLUTION** Most Payroll Providers provide an IIF file to be used to import the Payroll data into QuickBooks. However, QuickBooks Online does not allow IIF files to be imported as…

Import Bank Transfers to QuickBooks

**QUESTION** How are Bank Transfers imported into QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) using Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer? **RESOLUTION** Bank Transfers are found in QBDT under the BANKING menu. Below is a screen shot of the Transfer Funds entry screen in QBDT. The screen shot shows the fields of a Transfer Funds trans…

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