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Showing articles from Desktop tag

Skip Duplicate Transactions with Matching Reference Numbers when Importing

**QUESTION** When importing, will Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer skip transactions that already exist in QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT)? **RESOLUTION** By default, Transaction Pro Importer for QBDT does not skip transactions that already exist. However, there is an option to SKIP TRANSACTIONS WITH MATCHING REFERENC…

Import Credit Memos with To Be Printed Selected

**QUESTION** When importing Credit Memos, how is the option to Print Later selected? **RESOLUTION** When importing Credit Memos into QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) using Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer, a value of Y must be imported for the QB field TO BE PRINTED on the import map. A value of Y may also be entered a…

Use a SQL Data Source with Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer

**QUESTION** Can a SQL data source be used with Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer? **RESOLUTION** To connect to a SQL data source, follow the steps below: 1. In Importer, choose DSN for the file source and then click CONNECT 2. Select the MACHINE DATA SOURCE tab 3. Click NEW 4. An error message will a…

CenterCard Employee Reimbursement Import into QBDT

**The following are instructions for importing the [CenterCard][1] Employee Reimbursement Report into QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) using Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer.** After downloading an Employee Reimbursement Report from [CenterCard][1], log into QBDT. Open Transaction Pro Importer and select the file to imp…

Error 9999002 - Decrypt String: Bad Data

**MESSAGE** "Error:9999002 - Decrypt String: Bad Data" **RESOLUTION** This message appears because the Rightworks Transaction Pro user does not have write permissions to the folder c:\program data. The user must have full write permission on this folder. Additionally, write permissions to the folder c:\Documents an…

Use Deleter to Reduce QuickBooks Company File Size

**QUESTION** How can Rightworks Transaction Pro Deleter be used to reduce a QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) company file size? **RESOLUTION** Deleter can be used to remove unneeded transactions, but it can also be used to reduce ever growing QB data file sizes. After deleting the transactions, these additional steps nee…

An Invalid Enumeration String was Supplied - Rightworks Transaction Pro Deleter

**MESSAGE** Error in frmMain: Function GetDeposits Line 2670 An invalid enumeration string was supplied (Error #-2147220496) Received when exporting or deleting Deposits **RESOLUTION** If this message is received when either using the Rightworks Transaction Pro Exporter or Deleter, it is due to the fact that the…

Inventory Adjustment Not Importing

ISSUE Inventory Adjustment import is not importing but cannot locate the reason. All Inventory Item show as rejecting. RESOLUTION If the Inventory Adjustment is being imported as a single large transaction (same Reference Number for all rows), a single item not importing will cause the entire import to fail. Theref…

Bill Due Date Not Importing Correctly

**ISSUE** When importing a Bill using Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer into QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) where the Bill Due Date is specified in the import file and mapped accordingly, the Due Date is being recalculated based upon the Vendor's Terms. **RESOLUTION** This is a known issue in QBDT. QBDT recalculates t…

Import Classes on QuickBooks Desktop Transactions

**QUESTION** Can Classes be imported into QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) with Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer on a transaction? **RESOLUTION** If the option to use Classes has been selected in QBDT Company Preferences under Accounting, then the Class field will be available in Importer to include on imported transac…

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