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Showing articles from Tips and Tricks tag

Import Sales Receipts into QuickBooks Desktop

Retail type businesses, often times, use a Point of Sale (POS) system that does not integrate with QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) and are looking for an easy way to record a daily summary of the sales and payment activity. An easy way to do this is to enter a daily summarized Sales Receipt into QBDT. A detailed article as …

Item Assembly Import – Tips and Tricks

Item Assemblies can save a lot of time in QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT). Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer can be used to import Item Assemblies into QBDT. The data in the import file, though, must meet the requirements of QBDT. Below are some tips for ensuring the import file contains the necessary information to allow…

Import Bill Payments into QuickBooks Online

**QUESTION** What are some helpful tips to know when importing Bills into QuickBooks Online with Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer? **RESOLUTION** Below are some helpful tips to keep in mind regarding the most common issues that occur when importing Bill Payments into QuickBooks Online with Importer. * The fol…

Import Bills into QuickBooks Online

**QUESTION** What are some helpful tips to know when importing Bills into QuickBooks Online with Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer? **RESOLUTION** Below are some helpful tips to keep in mind regarding the most common issues that occur when importing Bills into QuickBooks Online with Importer. * When importing …

Ten Advanced Rightworks Transaction Pro Exporter Options

Below are the ten Advanced Options available in Rightworks Transaction Pro Exporter for QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT). **Option 1: Reports.** Not only you can export transactions and lists that exist in QBDT, but the following reports can also be exported: * Journal Report * Payroll Detail Report * Transaction Det…

Import Invoices into QuickBooks Online

Some of the most common uses for an Invoice import are listed below: * Importing Invoice transactions from another industry specific invoicing application. * Importing Invoice transactions from a Point of Sales (POS) system. * Importing monthly or daily activity from another accounting system. Below are some T…

Useful Excel Formulas and Tips to Use with Imports and Exports

Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer and Transaction Pro Exporter both support the use of Excel files. Below are some tips and common features that can be used with Excel import or export files: 1. **Drop Down Lists: **This can be helpful when having users do data entry and want to be sure that a valid customer, it…

Create a Map for Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer Desktop

Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer map files can be created to import transactions such as Invoices or Journal Entries and to import lists such as Price Levels, Customers, or Items into QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT). Below is a short video of the process. Be sure to watch the video in conjunction with the helpful tips t…

Import Journal Entries into QuickBooks Online

**QUESTION** What are some common uses for a Journal Entry import into QuickBooks Online with Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer? **RESOLUTION** Some of the most common uses for a Deposit import are listed below: * Importing Payroll Data after each payroll * Importing Daily Sales from a Point of Sale (POS) Sy…

Import Deposits to QuickBooks Online

**QUESTION** What are some common uses for a Deposit import into QuickBooks Online with Transaction Pro Importer? **RESOLUTION** Some of the most common uses for a Deposit import are listed below: * Recording donations from an online web app * Recording daily activity from a Point of Sale (POS) system * Impo…

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