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Showing articles from Bills tag

Import Expenses into QuickBooks Desktop

**QUESTION** What is the best import type to use to import expenses into QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT)? **RESOLUTION** Often times, users will have an Excel listing of expenses to import into QBDT but are unsure as to which import type to select. Below are the different import types to consider selecting and how they …

Apply Vendor Credits to Bills or Bill Payments - QuickBooks Online

**QUESTION** How can Vendor Credits be applied to Bills or Bill Payments? **RESOLUTION** At this time, Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer cannot apply Vendor Credits during an import. These will need to be matched manually in QuickBooks Online.

Duplicate Document Number Message

**MESSAGE** "Duplicate Document Number Error : You must specify a different number. This number has already been used." **RESOLUTION** The message appears because a transaction already exists in QuickBooks Online with this number. In order to allow QuickBooks Online to use duplicate numbers, the following changes …

Concur AP Invoice (Vendor Bills) Import into QuickBooks Online

**The following are instructions for importing the [Concur][1] AP Invoice (Vendor Bills) Report into QuickBooks Online using Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer.** After downloading an AP Invoice (Vendor Bills) Report from [Concur][1], log into Transaction Pro and select to IMPORT. ![][2] **CHOOSE IMPORT TYPE:** Se…

Target is Not Reimbursable

**MESSAGE** "Target is not Reimbursable" **RESOLUTION** This message appears because in Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer, the Bill import or the Check import has either the field Expenses Billable or Items Billable marked as Y. However, a value is not mapped to Expenses Customer or Items Customer. If a transacti…

Apply Vendor Credits to Bills or Bill Payments - QuickBooks Desktop

**QUESTION** How can Vendor Credits be applied to Bills or Bill Payments? **RESOLUTION** At this time, Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer cannot apply Vendor Credits during an import. These will need to be matched manually in QuickBooks Desktop.

Import Bills and Checks with Amounts in Multiple Columns on Same Row

**QUESTION** If the multi-line transactions are in columns instead of rows when importing Bills or Checks into QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT), how can the transaction be imported with Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer? **RESOLUTION** Importer has the option to import Bills and Checks as columns. These options are foun…

Check or Bill Import: Required Parameter Line is Missing in the Request

**MESSAGE** "Required parameter line is missing in the request" when importing Checks or Bills into QuickBooks Online. **RESOLUTION** If importing Checks or Bills into QuickBooks Online, the data needs to be mapped to one of this two scenarios: * **Products and Services: **LineItem and LineAmount: Data must be m…

Concur Employee Expense Reimbursement Import into QBDT

**The following are instructions for importing the [Concur][1] Employee Expense Reimbursement Report into QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) using Rightworks Transaction Pro Importer.** After downloading an Employee Expense Reimbursement Report from [Concur][1], launch Transaction Pro and select to IMPORT. ![][2] Open Trans…

Use Aliases with Rightworks Transaction Pro Imports for QB Desktop

**QUESTION** When importing Credit Card Charges, how can the Vendor names on the Credit Card Statement be matched to the Vendor names that already exist in QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT)? **ANSWER** Rightworks Transaction Pro (TPro) Importer for QBDT has an ALIASES option that allows names to be matched between the impo…

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